At arrival, we were stunned...simply appalled. The house was in shambles and most everything was taken - even the toilets had been uplifted! The carpet was torn and a quarter of the floor boards were missing. Isabelle explained to us that she had been out of town and her daughter's ex-boyfriend seeked revenge because she had broken up with him earlier that week. Isabelle continued on discussing her many health problems while Shawnting, her seven-year-old granddaughter played in the yard.
Needless to say, we cleaned up her house as best we could. We swept, we lifted, and we washed. We couldn't take back what happened, but we could help with a new start. Isabelle cried and thanked us, while innocent Shawnting played with all her new friends.
Afterwards, we visited Transitions, a shop that utilizes products made by disabled individuals. This shop allows many of the businessmen and women to survive. I appropriately bought an Italian charm bracelet with the phrase "Follow Your Dreams."
At the local food bank in Blanding, we sorted everything from Wheat Thins to peaches. Brenda, Brian and I then had quite a relaxing lunch just chilling in the car.
We soon went back to the Transitions Boardwalk to pick up the rest of the crew. The Boardwalk is a new renovation by the community to help disabled individuals sell their goods (almost like Transitions the shop, but the stores will be independently owned). Their hope is that this will bring tourism into the area.

The Traditions Boardwalk - Future enterprises
So while we waited for the others to finish up their projects, the rest of us Southern Cali kids threw snowballs! I was the first to hit Marcos :)
Before heading home, we went to a smaller food back at Montezuma Creek. The boys gardened while the girls loaded the food pantry. We were able to fill the original 1/5 full pantry with cans of vegetables, grapefruites, but most importantly CUPCAKES!
For dinner, we made some Navajo tacos, frybread, cheese, beans, tomotoes, onions, and cucumbers. After taking the nicest warm shower (after leaving it on for a good long while of course), it was time for the Pow-Wow!
Not only did I buy $8 leaf earrings from the great selection of jewelry, but Kristen and I fell in love with two bows and arrows we found. We discovered them at the same time, and we both just offered to each other, "Let's buy it!"
The Pow-Wow dancers were quite skilled and we even got to take a turn ourselves. Of course, afterward, I had to buy the axe stone weapon too! What a fantastic day!
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